Who the hell is this guy?
Good question. I'm Grady Fiorio. I'm a filmmaker originally from the Bay Area, finally getting my feet wet in film reviews. I'm also the owner of Flipside Studios, a film production company.
Okay, that's great, but why should I trust your reviews?
As mentioned earlier, I'm a filmmaker, and I have been for nearly 10 years. I live and breathe movies, and without 'em, I'd just be a meat sack with glasses and a curly beard. Part of the reason I created this site was due to the frustration I felt with modern film journalism. I've seen too many armchair film critics making uninformed comments on the filmmaking process. Things like "Steady-Cam shots are so easy" and "They should have just switched the director mid shooting. I like him better.". My opinion is no more or less valuable than anyone else, but I believe that I can shed light on the process with my own experiences and insight.
What is your rating system? What do the numbers mean!

How often are reviews? Is there anywhere else I can see them?
All my reviews are out of 5. My numbered rating is a way to generalize my thoughts, but I don't consider it to be an end-all-be-all. Numerically, my films are rated on enjoyment. You may be confused why both Anchorman and The Godfather get a 5. It's not because I think Anchorman is a perfect film that revolutionizes cinema the way The Godfather does, it's because I enjoy the hell out of both of them. The same goes for bad films. A Neil Breen film and Crash might both get a .5 rating even though Crash is a more technically competent film. Don't get too caught up in the numbers though, the words are where it's at.
Do you review anything other than films?
Right now my reviews are just a hobby, but I'm trying to keep them to at least once a week if not more. To see even more of what I'm watching you can check out my Letterboxd page below. The reviews aren't as in-depth but you can stay more updated on what I'm watching.
I do! While film is definitely my main source of reviews, I consider myself a big fan of art in general. Of course, television is thrown into the mix, but I also on occasion throw in games, music, books, and anything else that I feel might fit the format.